It's easy to pay smarter.
Sign up, choose Openpay and spread the cost. It's that simple.
Sign up in minutes.

Whatever works for you.

Sign up through our app, in-store or even at checkout when shopping with one of our partners.
Here's how it works.

Equal weekly or fortnightly instalments. No interest. None.

Sign up.
Create an account in under 90secs through our app, in-store or at checkout. We'll perform a quick ID and credit check to verify your details.

Service now.
Let your service advisor or consultant know that you will be using Openpay and provide them with your 9 digit ID number.

Spread it.
Pick your plan - they range from 1-12 months (depending on your purchase). You'll pay your first instalment today, the rest is spread over weekly or fortnightly instalments.

Sit back.
Take your items right away. Your remaining payments will be taken automatically from your chosen card. Use our app to manage all your plans and repayments.
Pay smarter with the app.

Browse shops and services and keep track of payments and plans, all in one place.